Command-line tools

  • If you expect to be working on batches of hundreds or thousands of images
  • An advanced topic

If you have never worked with the Windows command line or the Mac terminal then we recommend that you get training from your IT staff or someone who has relevant experience.

Objective: to ingest the five example image files in 6.CommandLineTools and apply the cookie cutter that you previously created.

This example will provide an introduction to Inselect's command line tools.


Inselect workflow

Each of the operations shown in blue has an associated command-line tool. You can pick and choose the relevant command-line tools together with cookie cutters and metadata templates to integrate Inselect into your existing workflows. Descriptions of each tool are below.


  • You provide the paths to an input directory and on output directory; these can be the same
  • For each image file in the input directory
    • Moves the image to the output directory
    • Creates the .inselect file
    • Create the thumbnail JPG; you can provide the resolution
    • Optionally applies a cookie cutter


  • You provide the path to a directory
  • For each .inselect file in the directory
    • Runs automatic segmentation
    • You can specify whether to sort boxes by columns or by rows
    • Ignores .inselect files that already have bounding boxes


  • You provide the path to a directory
  • For each .inselect file in the directory
    • Reads barcodes using the reader that you specify


  • You provide the path to a directory
  • For each .inselect file in the directory
    • Writes a CSV file of metadata
    • You can specify an Inselect template file
    • Files with validations errors are ignored


  • You provide the path to a directory
  • For each .inselect file in the directory
    • Writes cropped images
    • You specify an optional Inselect template file that will be used to format the crop filenames
    • Files with validations errors are ignored

Test that you can run tools

Start the Windows command prompt. The following code fragments assume that you installed Inselect to the default location of C:\Program Files\inselect. You should alter the paths as required, if you installed the program to a different directory.

Each tool supports the --help argument:

C:\Program Files\inselect\ingest.exe --help

You should see

usage: ingest.exe [-h] [-c COOKIE_CUTTER] [-w THUMBNAIL_WIDTH] [--debug] [-v]
                  inbox docs

Ingests images into Inselect

positional arguments:
  inbox                 Source directory containing scanned images
  docs                  Destination directory to which images will be moved
                        and in which Inselect documents will be created. Can
                        be the same as inbox.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COOKIE_CUTTER, --cookie-cutter COOKIE_CUTTER
                        Path to a '.inselect_cookie_cutter' file that will be
                        applied to new Inselect documents
                        The width of the thumbnail in pixels; defaults to 4096
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Ingest images

The 6.CommandLineTools directory contains five JPG files. Run

C:\Program Files\inselect\ingest.exe --thumbnail-width 8000 \
    --cookie-cutter <path to the inselect_cookie_cutter file> \
    <path to the 6.CommandLineTools directory> \
    <path to the 6.CommandLineTools directory>
  • What did the ingest tool report?
  • One of the image files has a deliberate error - how did the ingest tool behave?